When you offer the best lawn care service around people tend to notice. Thanks to recommendations from our clients, Groundhog Turf Care has expanded our lawn care and fertilization services in Exeter, Stratham, and even as far as North Hampton and Rye New Hampshire. What started out with a few lawn care clients has now grown organically in just one season as their neighbors and friends take notice of their lush green lawns.
Same great formula…same great results. The secret to a healthy, vigorous lawn has everything to do with the type of lawn fertilizer being applied, as well as proper timing of weed and insect controls. From day one, we made it a point to use a controlled release, nutrient-rich fertilizer to sustain New Hampshire lawns through hot dry summers. When turf grass is thick, weeds have a hard time becoming established – reducing the need for excessive lawn weed controls. A thick healthy root system also inhibits turf insects from causing heavy damage to a lawn.
Do New Hampshire seacoast area lawns need special treatment? Although in a slightly different micro-climate then central southern New Hampshire, lawn fertilization services in the seacoast area are much the same. Throughout the entire Northeast, turf is typically a cool-season blend of grasses such as bluegrass, rye and fescue. Soil pH tends to be on the acidic side because of all the pine trees and oak trees. However there are some differences:
Seacoast soil is sandy. We believe the success of our lawn care services in Exeter New Hampshire especially well in seacoast areas because – unlike many of our competitors – we use a granular controlled release formula that tends to stay in the ground and feed the turf longer than liquid fertilizers.
Salt can burn grass. Heavy rains off the ocean can pull in salt as much is 20 miles inland. This can affect a turf grass’s ability to absorb nutrients. Our fertilizer has micro-nutrients that “fill in the gaps” of the basic nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium formulations found in liquid lawn care programs – giving the grass that we treat the nutrition it needs to overcome stressful soil conditions.
Small lawns…high visibility. We believe another that reason our lawn contractor services on the New Hampshire seacoast have been a great a success have to do with the high visibility and expectations of quality. When you have a small lawn in a small seacoast neighborhood, every blade of grass matters! We send our lawn care best technicians armed with the best lawn care programs available in the industry to create the perfect “postage-stamp lawn!”
Do you know somebody who lives near the New Hampshire seacoast? Please pass our name along to anyone looking for a lawn care company in Exeter NH and surrounding towns!